Case Studies

Trusted byUnilever, Cheffelo, Spoonfed, Gategroup, Olleco, Dawn Foods, Princes Group, Greiner Packaging, Cambridge Nutaceuticals and many other world leading brands

Critical Future is a global leader in Artificial Intelligence. We excel in pioneering AI Audits which unleash massive cost-savings and productive enhancements for clients.

Predicting cancer with 100% recall accuracy

Predicting property prices with a best-in-class model which outperforms leading property industry statistical benchmarks

Predicting stock and commodity prices with models more accurate than major hedge-funds

Even creating Art with AI, using Generative Adversarial Networks to create the world’s first AI – created book cover for “The AI Age” by our CEO Adam Riccoboni

Our Projects

Machine Learning
Deep Learning
Deep Reinforcement Learning
Multi-Agent Systems
Generative Programming
ML Ops
Productionizing Models
Operationalizong Models
Predictive Models

Download our recent reports


What is MLOps? Why would you use them? From the people behind them, the model development to productionalisation and development, discover everything you need to know in this exciting white paper.

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How business can use AI

Discover all the possible ways to leverage AI in your business in this report, based on the book “The A.I. AGE” of CEO of Critical Future Adam Riccoboni.

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The Future of Blockchain

“The blockchain will do to the financial system what the internet did to media”. Harvard Business Review

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